Swinging jets

Published in Physical Review Fluids, 2020

Recommended citation: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevFluids.5.110505

This paper is associated with a video winner of a 2019 American Physical Society’s Division of Fluid Dynamics (DFD) Gallery of Fluid Motion Award for work presented at the DFD Gallery of Fluid Motion. The original video is available online at the Gallery of Fluid Motion Website and on YouTube (Volume ON! 🔊)

Check it out here

Caption: Evolution of the dye concentration fields with time in a micro-oscillator structure with three inlet channels for $Re=32$. The images are taken at regular time intervals during one oscillation (from left to right, top to bottom). The jets width is $100$ $\mu m$, the three jets are placed at an angle of $120^{\circ}$ on a circle $800$ $\mu m$ in diameter, the output channels width is $2000$ $\mu m$, and the thickness of the device is $525$ $\mu m$.