Here is a list of all the teaching and tutoring activities I have been involved in during my PhD:

Teaching Assistant

  • Hydrodynamics Master course in Mechanical Engineering at EPFL (35 total hours in Spring 2022)
  • Numerical Flow Simulations Master course in Mechanical Engineering at EPFL (software used: ANSYS – Workbench, Fluent, SpaceClaim) (130 total hours Fall 2020, 2021, 2022)
  • Numerical Methods in Biomechanics Master course in Mechanical Engineering at EPFL (software used: COMSOL Multiphysics) (45 total hours Spring 2020, 2021)

Master Thesis Supervisor

  • Tutored one visiting Master’s student from Università di Pisa at EPFL. Title of the project: Three-dimensional instability of the von Karman vortex street past a porous cylinder (85 total hours Sep 2021 Mar 2022)
  • Tutored one Master’s student at EPFL. Title of the project: Modeling hysteresis in orbital sloshing (120 total hours Spring 2021)

Semester Project Supervisor

  • Tutored one Master’s student at EPFL. Title of the project: Faraday waves in an annular Hele-Shaw cell (50 total hours Spring 2023)
  • Tutored one Master’s student at EPFL. Title of the project: Capillary-gravity waves: effect of a circular corral (35 total hours Spring 2022)
  • Tutored one visiting Master’s student from École Polytechnique (Paris) at EPFL. Title of the project: Stability of fluidic oscillators (20 total hours Spring 2021)
  • Tutored one Master’s student at EPFL. Title of the project: Effect of a variable slip-length wall-condition on the damping of two-dimensional sloshing waves (30 total hours Spring 2019)