A revised gap-averaged model of Faraday waves in Hele-Shaw cells
Conferences, 15th SIG 33-ERCOFTAC Workshop, Alghero, Italy
A. Bongarzone (speaker) and F. Gallaire
Conferences, 15th SIG 33-ERCOFTAC Workshop, Alghero, Italy
A. Bongarzone (speaker) and F. Gallaire
Conferences, 75th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics (DFD), Indianapolis, IN, USA
A. Bongarzone (speaker), A. Marcotte and F. Gallaire
Conferences, 14th European Fluid Mechanics Conference (EFMC14), Athens, Greece
A. Bongarzone (speaker) and F. Gallaire
Conferences, 74th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics (DFD), Phoenix, AZ, USA
A. Bongarzone (speaker) and F. Gallaire
Conferences, 25th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM), Milano, Italy (online)
F. Gallaire (speaker) and A. Bongarzone
Conferences, 73th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics (DFD), Chicago, IL, USA (online)
F. Gallaire (speaker) and A. Bongarzone
Conferences, 73th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics (DFD), Chicago, IL, USA (online)
A. Bongarzone (speaker), A. Bertsch, P. Renaud and F. Gallaire
Conferences, 72th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Seattle, WA, USA
A. Bertsch, A. Bongarzone, E. Yim, P. Renaud and F. Gallaire
Conferences, 9th International Summer School Complex Motion in Fluids, Kysthusene Gilleleje, Denmark
A. Bongarzone (presenter), F. Viola, S. Camarri and F. Gallaire